Birth Center
Poverty and poor roads dictate that most women in Southeast Haiti give birth at home, unattended or with a matwòn, a traditional birth attendant.
This means perinatal complications such as eclampsia go undetected and can become life-threatening if something goes wrong during labor or delivery. Political turmoil, lawlessness and gang violence make it even more challenging for expectant mothers to access medical support.
Mezon Nesans Fanmi, our small family birth center and medical residence, provides a safe, welcoming space for local women to give birth accompanied by their families and birth attendants.
Thanks to generous support from Women International Leaders of Greater Philadelphia and AmeriCares, the birth center offers:
Five beds in a large room for mothers and two bedrooms for medical staff, plus two baths with showers, two kitchens, garden, and women's health exam room;
Classes for expectant mothers in parenting, nutrition, lactation, family planning, and intimate partner violence;
Regular prenatal visits with plans for a higher level of care if needed;
Access to delivery services 24 x 7;
Access to medical services 24 x 7 -- the birth center is directly connected to our clinic;
Prophylactic cord-care, eye-care, and Vitamin K provided at birth, followed by vaccine and well-child programs;
Postpartum checkups for mothers to screen for complications;
The matwòn living in our area are integrated and trained as part of our program.

Three generations: A mother and grandmother smile proudly with the newest member of the family, delivered safe and sound at the birth center.